This might be more of an issue with iCloud Drive than Ulysses.
I have two laptops (a work and a home laptop) running Ulysses III. I’ve lost quite a few hundred words through iCloud Drive. I upgraded Yosemite on both computers so that iCloud Drive would work (it is not backwards compatible with Mountain Lion, which was what I was running before). However, both my laptops then synced to the **older** version of my work on one of my computers (instead of the more recent version). In the process I lost about 800 words and I am now running an Automator service to back up my iCloud library to Dropbox **and** my local hard drives.
However, because Ulysses is MarkdownXL and not plain Markdown, this isn’t ideal. iAWriter has its own “folder” in iCloud Drive, but for Ulysses III this is buried in ~/Library/Containers/com.soulmen.ulysses3/Data/Documents/Library/Groups-ulgroup.
For example, if I need to roll back to an older version, I have to search through several “.app” packages in my backed up iCloud Library files for the right version of the text file. To get around this, I have also created a Dropbox folder where I copy-and-paste my text files (so at least my text is backed up somewhere). This however is a manual process. Also if you back up right now in Dropbox, you lose a lot of the great functionality of Ulysses III (goals, notes).
I have tried several apps (iAWriter, Storyist, Scrivener) and so far this is the one I like the most. I like being able to have different sheets and groups, and being able to add goals and notes.
However not being able to sync files (with all features) through Dropbox is a problem. I have used iCloud in the past, but with only one computer. It seems like it is very unreliable if you need to sync your files across multiple devices. If there was a way to back up text (plain markdown) in Dropbox but save the other information locally I think that would help me a lot.
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